Music by Linda on ReverbNation

Check out some of my original songs.

Interview: Reflect, Reclaim, Rejoice

I was invited to contribute my perspectives on music in light of the Black Church tradition for a documentary video about "The story of the history of Black Sacred Music and how it's being kept alive" which aired on PBS in 2015.

Narrator: Suffrage Cantata

I was invited to be a narrator for the 2024 performance of the Suffrage Cantata by Andrea Ramsey as presented by Vox Grata Women's Choir, Nashville, Tennessee.

Balm in Gilead

I participating in this hymn sing at The Hymn Society event in Toronto, Canada in 2017. Of the selections, I participated leading two including this ensemble singing "Balm in Gilead."

Hard Trials

I offered the solo for the selection "Hard Trials" during one of the 2017 hymn sing events of The Hymn Society. This song has roots in negro spirituals and Methodism.

O Antiphon - O Emmanuel

I used my phone to record myself singing different parts on the spot with an acapella recording app that overlaps videos. While I was walking into the office, I sang parts from one of the Advent songs I wrote using the words of the O Antiphon - O Emmanuel. Check out the video below to see the end result and enjoy!

"I Am Woven" & Juneteenth Liturgy

I had the privilege of writing and leading the Juneteenth worship for the 2024 Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference of The United Methodist Church. You can hear me playing and singing an original song at the start of the service call "I Am Woven." Later I lead congregational singing of "I See The Love of God In You." The 30-minute worship experience also features a 14-minute theatrical performance written and performed by the talented teams from theater companies Dream 7 and GuBassavi Productions.

Singing With My Children

While my girls are much older now, it has always been a joy to sing with and lead others in music from small ones to adult choirs and ensembles. In this video, I was enjoying a moment in the car with my kids as I came up with a kid-friendly arrangement of one of my original songs, that I consider my funeral song.

Led "I Will Trust in the Lord" at Annual Conference

This is one of several congregational singing moments that I lead during the 2023 Annual Conference meeting of the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference of The United Methodist Church, I was invited to lead singing at the start of business sessions as well as during some of the waiting times during voting .